Friday, May 29, 2009

How not to use PowerPoint

I've always been a fan of keeping things simple. When giving a presentation I prefer to keep my PowerPoint simple and use it to emphasize just the key points. In fact there is a gentleman who has obtained some notoriety for his use of slides that only contain one word on a white background. Going one step further, you might consider leaving the PowerPoint at home in some cases. What I consider to be the best speech/presentation I have given was done last year without any PowerPoint at all.

The following short, and entertaining, video does a great job of teaching you how not to use PowerPoint. I'm sure you will find plenty to relate to; hopefully as a audience member and not the person giving the presentation!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Oregon Prospector outages

Late last week GIS Planning moved to a new computer server in order to increase the speed of the site and increase site reliability.

As is almost always the case, this created unforeseen issues such as trouble logging in for some users. As of today, Tuesday, it appears that these issues have been resolved and life is good again.

If you experience any issues please do let me know at so I can get technical support working on it.